This picture was taken prior to a healing workshop, before the students came. I wanted to see who was with us and a little bright one in the back as well as a large one in the middle - ushers' pew. They came to help during the healing sessions: healing Spirit Orbs. These healing orbs come to church on Sunday as well as lectures and Healing Fairs. They also bring healing energy with them to be used in healing.
Come visit the Institute for Spiritual Development. Sunday services are at 11 am. Check out the web site:
http://www.isd-dc.org and check out the activities. You will see and feel the loving energy there. Here is your gold invitation.
There is also an interesting Spirit Orb at the right of the cold air return near the doors. What I find interesting about this one and the bright little one is there appears to be an aura about them. The big Spirit Orb doesn't have any aura, unless the orb is an aura.
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